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South Street Kids Clean Up for a Cause: Join their Sponsored Litter Pick!

Updated: Jan 19

Hey there, fantastic folks!

We've got some exciting news coming your way from the vibrant world of the South Street Kids (SSK) – our group of 7-12-year-old creative dynamos who are taking Ipswich by storm!

These brilliant youngsters meet weekly to unleash their creativity in FREE activities, providing a haven for self-expression, imagination, and skill development. But guess what? They've got a mission, and they need your help!

As part of our Big Give Christmas Appeal, the South Street Kids are on a quest to raise vital funds for their creative adventures, and they've come up with something a bit special.

Drumroll, please... it's their Sponsored Litter Pick! That's right, these mini-environmental warriors are hitting the streets of Ipswich armed with rubbish bags, protective clothing and a whole heap of enthusiasm, ready to turn litter into gold!

SSK Litter pick last summer - they really cleaned up!

Why a litter pick, you ask? Well, these amazing young people not only want to fundraise but also give back to their community. Ipswich is in for a treat as the SSK crew shows us how a little effort can make a big difference.

SSK with IBC for a recycling session - learning about how it all works and doing their bit for the environment!


Now, here's where you come in – we're calling on all the big-hearted people out there to sponsor the South Street Kids in their quest to make Ipswich cleaner and brighter.

Can you spare a few quid to support their Sponsored Litter Pick? We promise, your generosity will not go unnoticed!

The best part? The Big Give is here to double your donation, making it a win-win situation. If you sponsor £5 they will double it to £10 and so on.

Your support will not only make the SSK's day but also contribute to providing a safe space for young minds to explore, create, and share their unique voices with the world.

Ready to make a difference? Click on the link below to be a part of the South Street Kids' Sponsored Litter Pick Adventure. And hey, don't forget to mention you're sponsoring SSK when you donate – they'll be over the moon to know who's got their back!

Click the sponsor button below:


Help us make this festive season unforgettable for the South Street Kids and show them that when the community comes together, incredible things happen!

Find out more about The Big Give

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